Strong communication between journalists and PR professionals ensure that both sides get the most out of each other’s services and brands. PR Newswire facilitates these relationships and one aspect of this is the regular Meet the Media Events.
Wednesday’s event (22 April) saw a packed room of communications professionals have a dialogue with Ruth Sunderland, the associate city editor of the Daily Mail. Sunderland began by sharing her experience and by giving an insight into the way the Daily Mail sources its news stories. The room was then opened-up for questions and Sunderland was able to answer specific queries from the audience.
The City section of the Daily Mail covers financial news relating to the economy and predominantly targets a readership of investors, employees and people with a general interest in business. Sunderland professed a personal interest in a greater representation of women in business and said that mergers and acquisitions, manufacturing and rebuilding industrial, executive pay and a reform programme for banks were all matters of particular current interest to the paper and its readers.
The event was hosted at the City of London club. The last event of its kind was chaired by Simon Jack from BBC Radio 4’s Today and BBC Breakfast News.
PR Newswire wires messages to consumers, the media, analysts and investors in multiple languages, both locally and globally. The Meet the Media events are held in partnership with Communicate magazine.