Most young employees are willing to receive a lower pay working at a responsible organisation than higher pay at an irresponsible one, data shows. However, as business consultancy Revolt highlights, companies struggle to measure their good doings.

AMEC’s Global Summit takes place next month. Through sponsorship by PR strategist Mary Beth West, 200 free virtual passes will go to students and teachers.


Corporate Edge faces more changes as the CEO announces his departure from the branding agency.
Firms could improve their decision-making by consulting institutional investors with regional expertise, said a professor from the M&A Research Centre at Cass following study results.
Digital agency Freestyle Interactive opened its first European office in Paris, France, earlier this month and tomorrow will host a Digital Strategy Breakfast at the British Embassy in Paris to celebrate.
Rebranding political parties seems to be on trend this autumn after the Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party and England’s Labour Party each pitched rebranding plans.
Europe’s biggest CSR communications awards took place Wednesday in London, with ClayWay Media and Stephen Howard receiving the highest honours at the International Visual Communications Association (IVCA) Clarion Awards 2011.
"Mark Davidson", "ghostwriter", "rogue" and"bad reputation" were not trending on Twitter today, but they could have been.
Businesses should focus on the story, advises corporate reporting specialist Black Sun as Business Secretary Vince Cable complains about the length of annual reports.
Companies are jeopardising their reputation through lack of security, says a Thomson Reuters survey.
New ways for PRs to communicate are reaching the UK with a focus on technology and social media through the launch of services from Mynewsdesk and PressPage, and a partnership between Cision and PitchEngine.