These categories benchmark the understanding, measurement and evaluation of communications campaigns

Best data insight from a communications campaign (one-off)

This category recognises the insight gained from the data of a specific issue, project or campaign. Submissions can focus on the process of attaining data or the insights gained from it.

Best data insight from communications activity (ongoing)

This category recognises the insight gained from the ongoing understanding, measurement or evaluation of data. Submissions can focus on the process of attaining data or the insights gained from it

Best data insight from an integrated campaign

This category rewards organisations that have effectively used of communicated data in a specific or strategic campaign across social and traditional media channels.

Best real-time response

Honouring companies that effectively used data insights and media monitoring to detect and respond to crises and critical issues in real-time.

Best media coverage impact assessment

Best assessment of the impact of media coverage on corporate reputation and objectives

Best data-driven competitive intelligence

Recognising the use of media insight and monitoring to gain valuable competitive intelligence and insights


These categories benchmark the use of data as part of their communications strategy to reach their stakeholders

Best use of data to assist reputation management

This category rewards instances where the primary use or communication of data has been to manage or develop the reputation of an organisation

Most innovative use of data

This category recognises and rewards organisations that have used, measured or communicated data in new innovative or creative ways

Best data-driven corporate storytelling

For the most compelling and engaging corporate storytelling that leverages data effectively

Best data-driven corporate reporting

Recognising excellence in incorporating data visualisation and insights in an annual report

Best data-driven internal communications

Recognising excellence in incorporating data visualisation and insights to engage and inform employees effectively


These categories benchmark the way organisations communicate their data to their various audiences

Most innovative format to display data

This category recognises innovation in visualising data. Submissions can either show creativity in the visualisation of the data or the platform through which the data is displayed.

Best interactive data display

This category recognises creativity and strategic use in the role that interactivity can play in the communication of data.

Best use of animation

This category recognises the role that animation can play in the communication of data.

Best visualisation of data

The category rewards organisations that have brought their communications to life through effective visualisation of data. Organisations can include (but are not limited to) graphs, charts, diagrams, cartography, iconography and symbols.


The Grand prix will be awarded to the organisation who has demonstrated the best overall use of data in corporate communications. This award cannot be entered.


Align your brand with this annual celebration for the corporate communications community.

We have a number of sponsorship options available to you. Call us to find out more. 


Andrew Thomas

Publisher of Communicate magazine and founder of the Lens Awards


call: +44 (0)20 3950 5356


If you are interested in being a supporting partner of the Lens Awards please email Finley Chesson at