WEDNESDAY 19 FEB 2020 10:41 AM


The International Communications Consultancy Organisation (ICCO), the global representative of over 3,000 PR firms, has become an official partner of the Council of Europe (COE) to help shape European policy on digital information and misinformation.

This marks an important time for PR, as it will be the first time it is represented on a European level, joining companies like Google and Facebook for quarterly meetings in the council to tackle issues such as fake news, digital democracy and hate speech.

“The Council of Europe’s decision to induct ICCO is a powerful endorsement of the strategic value of public relations. ICCO’s partnership with the council is testament to the growing respect businesses and Institutions hold for PR and communications,”says ICCO deputy CEO Rob Morbin.

The first meeting ICCO attended was on the council’s workplan for digital activity in 2020, which focused on artificial intelligence, facial recognition, hate speech and digital literacy.

“We are pleased to welcome ICCO as a new partner to the Council of Europe, the expertise offered by their membership will prove valuable as we seek to create standards around new technologies, how they are used by business, and their impact on the public,” says Patrick Penninckx, head of information policy at the Council of Europe.

The council is the continent’s human rights organisation, responsible for upholding human rights, democracy and the rule of law.

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