The Public Relations and Communications Association (PRCA) joined new climate action groups launched by the Advertising Association in an effort to address the pressing issues around climate change.
The Climate Action Working Group and the Climate Action Steering Group will focus on producing a report measuring the UK advertising industry’s carbon footprint, undertaking greener actions as a collective industry by encouraging the use of more sustainable products, services and behaviours in advertising and supporting the Advertising Standards Authority initiative to explore how advertising regulation can help with climate change concerns.
“We are clear on the role we want our industry to play in helping the UK economy move as fast as it can to Net Zero. Advertising accelerates behaviour change and can be a real force for helping drive sustainable growth and social good,” says Stephen Woodford, chief executive at the Advertising Association. “We saw this happening in 2019 with fantastic initiatives like #ChangeTheBrief. With ideas like this and many, many more, we have the opportunity to make a massive impact through the right action over the years ahead of us.”
Francis Ingham, director general of PRCA, believes that PR and communications professionals can shape public opinion on climate change, and it is therefore a duty for the industries to act responsibly.
“Our industry can make a genuine impact on this issue. As the world’s largest PR membership body, the PRCA is proud to be joining the Advertising Association’s new initiative,” he says.
Photo credits to: European Parliament https://www.flickr.com/photos/european_parliament/33744056508