From moving, black and white campaigns to short animations, here is our pick of the latest in video communications. #CommunicateLens, follow @Communicatemag on Twitter.
Benenden Health
Benenden Health, a leading UK non-profit healthcare provider, worked with McCann and production company Space to create a new video that demonstrates how quality healthcare is available to all in a bid to improve the nation’s health. Benenden is spearheading a new drive to ensure its members and the NHS are supported with a range of services available. Its founding purpose was to help people join together to pay for medical care and be there for members - a message reflected organisation’s tag-line, ‘here for you, not for profit’, featured in the new video campaign. It shows how all different people, of all backgrounds and ages, can enjoy private healthcare.
“Our mission has never changed, and this year has highlighted the importance of supporting one another and the NHS during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our new campaign is all about bringing people together and the power of community. As we look towards the next stage in Benenden Health’s story, we will continue to identify and champion the needs of our members as we look to improve the nation’s health,” says CEO at Benenden Health Bob Andrews.
Professional services provider Deloitte UK launched a new video campaign as part of its #1MFutures social impact ambition, which aimed to help one million people get to where they wanted to be. The project helped people from different backgrounds all across the UK through volunteering initiatives like mentoring programmes, or working with different charities and social enterprises across the country. The video is entirely in black and white, which not only adds more depth but also emphasises the sombre and touching tone of it. Indeed, the video really appeals to the audiences’ pathos, as different project participants give a very personal and intimate testimony of their difficult upbringings, from alcoholic parents to living in absolute poverty. The interviewees recount how ‘One Million Futures’ changed their lives around and gave them possibilities they didn’t know existed. ‘I’m actually who I am meant to be now, I like myself,’ says Tracey, a woman who benefitted from the initiative. Focusing the video on the participant’s stories rather than simply producing a corporate-style explainer to outline the project, results in a more engaging campaign and shows the true extent to which Deloitte really helped change people’s lives.
Financial Services Compensation Scheme
Financial Services Compensation Scheme, which protects customers when the financial services they use fail, created a one-minute-and-a-half video which promotes the company’s ‘key question cards,’ a set of questions consumers can ask their financial providers to feel more informed about FSCS protection. The questions cover a range of different financial products and services, from bank accounts to pensions to insurance policies. The video combines animation and infographics to break up in simple terms a complicated topic, allowing the viewer to be fully informed before he/she takes a decision about a financial product. In the video, the key question cards pop up as bubbles on a laptop and phones, reflecting how users can download them real life on phone, tablet or computer to use them at any given time.
Research and advisory company Gartner released an explainer video discussing the biggest challenges chief information officers and IT executives are facing in 2020. The four-minute video, which is the first part of Gartner’s new video series ‘Coffee Break Chats,’ features Gartner’s CIO and vice president, Mike Diliberto and Whit Andrews respectively, as they discuss this year’s challenges in a virtual face-to-face. The video is set up like a PowerPoint presentation, in which focal bullet points and key questions are written out for the viewer to read and are then combined with live interviews from the two guests. This keeps the video interactive, interesting and easy to follow. As Diliberto is shown on a split screen speaking to his colleague and the viewers, the other side of the screen writes out the challenges Gartner faces and the solutions the team will provide, such as online collaboration and ensuring associate safety.
Qbic Hotels
Urban hotel company Qbic Hotels launched a new, funny and quirky video to show how it has been fighting Covid-19 and preparing itself to welcome guests. The video, which features staff members and client navigating the hotel as if they were spy agents, adopts a Millennial-friendly and eccentric tone which reflects the whole of Qbic’s persona and mission statement ‘Welcoming the weird.’ The video is an amusing reminder of the hotel’s character, its quirky style and green credentials, all of which render it unique and have attracted people from all over the world to it. From the upbeat background music to the playful and at times goofy characters, the video tells viewers that despite the global pandemic has put the hospitality sector on its knees, Qbic has not lost its buoyancy and is ready to get back to it.